
  • UKAS accredited
  • Independently monitored for impartiality
  • Environmentally committed
  • Regulated


  • Dedicated account management
  • 360 customer support structure
  • Fixed rate fees
  • Worldwide availability


  • Internationally recognised certification
  • People who know your industry
  • Invested engagement in the future of certification and accreditation

Located in the United Kingdom providing worldwide management system certification based on a range of internationally recognised standards including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001 and ISO 45001 + SSiP.

What makes us different is that we offer a straightforward service, with no hidden extras or long-term binding contracts, delivered by people who have worked in the industry and held the certifications you are seeking.

News highlights

Chairing UKAS’ Management System Certification TAC

I chaired my second UKAS Management System Certification Technical Advisory Committee (MSCTAC) earlier this month...

Updated guidance on UKCA and CE mark recognition now available

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) has published new guidance on product marking requirements...

UKAS maintains international recognition, boosting UK trade and confidence in

As the United Kingdom’s National Accreditation Body, UKAS plays a vital role in supporting conformity...

GLOBAC: The Future of Global Accreditation

The International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) are merging to...