SSIP COVID-19 precautionary measures

The following statement was published by SSIP on 14th May 2022:

In February 2022 SSIP advised all SSIP members that they were to ensure COVID precautionary measures were contained within the organisations Health & Safety Management system; demonstrating that the organisation had given due consideration to protecting the health and safety of the workforce and others against COVID 19.

Members were advised that there would not be an amendment to the SSIP Core Criteria to specifically reference the above noting that instead the COVID measures would be added to the SSIP Audit process and confirmed as part of the
sampling completed during all Scheme Members annual audit.

COVID-19 restrictions have now been replaced with public health advice and the HSE have advised they HSE no longer expect every business to consider COVID-19 in their risk assessment or to have specific measures in place. 


Taking this into consideration, with immediate effect, SSIP no longer require SSIP members to ensure COVID precautionary measures are specifically referred within documents submitted nor specific risk assessments are in place during the SSIP Assessment Process.

We would like to emphasise that the SSIP Core Criteria [the Threshold Standard] directly relates to the minimum UK legislative requirement and we should NOT require any additional burden be faced by any suppliers going through the SSIP Assessment process.